A Healthy Dose of Empathy – Podcast #029

by | Mar 25, 2020 | Podcast

Bet your back hurts from sitting in an awkward chair all day while you talk endlessly on WebEx, Skype, or Zoom. 

What a few weeks it’s been. You’re stir crazy – we understand!

You’re also probably more than ready to vent and share your pain (both physical and mental) with the Data Center Therapy crew. So go and grab a mitt’s worth of hand sanitizer, crank up the volume and take comfort in knowing that Matt Yette and Matt Cozzolino are in it with you on this week’s WFH edition of DCT (Captain Picard facepalm inserted here).

We’re talking about timely topics concerning both technology and non-technology alike:

  • Kitchen islands, dining tables, and where YOU set up your “home office” in this new world of remote work.
  • What split-tunneling is and why it matters to your network admins, VPNs, and the company at large (and a bonus: SD-WANs!)
  • Printing, clipboard copying and pasting, and other things that should JUST WORK in this day and age, even on a VPN or Remote Desktop (c’mon OEMs, it’s 2020!)

The Matts also share some thoughts on bingeable television, Ubuntu versus CentOS, color laser printers OWNING inkjets, and their admittedly meager skills in bread-crafting and home cooking.

Pop open that bag of chips, heat up some frozen food, or cook up a steaming bowl of Yette’s Turkey Chili and give this episode a listen. Then don’t forget to review anywhere great podcasts are found – because, hey, it’ll make our day and you probably need a little dose of empathy yourself in these times.  

Friends – stay healthy, stay connected, and come back regularly for your (DC) Therapy… No insurance required ????

About Data Center Therapy

IT talk with a healthy dose of empathy: Hosts Matt Yette & Matt Cozzolino draw on their combined 40+ years of infrastructure experience as they discuss the ever-changing technology landscape – from virtualization to storage, security to networking, and everything in between.

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